August 5, 2010

Cats I've Met While on this Trip

Here, for my wife, are some cats I've met while on this trip, starting with our cat, Neechee. I'd introduce you to each of them, but we've just finished lunch at Eagle Plains on our way south on the Dempster Highway and we've 6 more hours of riding to go. Got to get rollin'.

Happy Anniversary, Jessica. I love you!


  1. What a sweet anniversary gift...a post dedicated to cats! I like the pretty black kitty best. :)

    Love you lots Nick. Happy Anniversary.

  2. Roy, I see you liking those cats! Hope you like our new kitten.

  3. WOW!!!!!! You two are amazing!!!!!

    We cannot imagine the well as a few bumps in the road.... that you are experiencing. Secret telling smile However if you Nick have the same calm demeanor as your Dad even those will experiences to remember...How boring it would be if everything went according to plan!!!!!! We will be following your blog as you continue your exciting journey

    What a wonderful adventure you are on!
    An experience of a lifetime!
    Enjoy each day!

    Roy`s Favourite Cous!!!!! Gwen and Laurie

  4. Sweetest Anniversary gift, Bro. Nicely done. ;)
