July 24, 2010

Thank you Saskatchewan!

Thank you to my Uncle and Aunt in Saskatoon for offering to come get us with a trailer when it looked like we were stranded, for the shelter, fantastic food, hospitality, good conversation, much needed garage space, ice cream, and multiple trips to the BMW dealership.
Homestead Ice Cream, 910 Victoria Ave, Saskatoon, SK.  Eat there.

My Uncle "stands guard" while the rest of us get ice cream.
I still think he rode it around while we were inside.

Thank you to their beautiful daughter, my cousin, for the yummy breakfast at her favorite breakfast diner.  Sorry we made you wait so long!  Let's not let another 17 years go by before we see each other again.  Have a wonderful wedding, and an even better marriage.  You picked a good date, and a good husband too, I'd say.

Thanks to my cousin from Moose Jaw, and his lovely wife and two kids for getting up so early and coming to spend the day with us in Saskatoon.  I wish we could have seen everyone in Moose Jaw, but I'm very grateful you put in all that effort to come see us, let alone treat us to a second evening of ice cream.  I know it can't be easy traveling with a 4 year old and a two month old, on a work day, on last minute's notice.  Your kids are great, and it was so great to see you and meet your family.
Part of my Moose Jaw connection

Thanks to my father's cousins for coming over to see us when our day's plans ran late, and for my father's aunt and uncle for staying up to see us when we came over late.

Thanks to my cousin in Estevan for Skyping us as we visited her parents.  It's not nearly as good at seeing her again, but it was nice to chat if only for a few minutes.

Finally, thank you to my father, uncle, and cousin who all pitched in on yesterday's repair work.  If it wasn't for needing that specialty BMW tool, we'd have had that job done no problem.  Often 4 'mechanics' is like too many cooks in the kitchen, but we worked very well together, and it was a day I won't soon forget.

 How many amateur mechanics does it take to re-install the final drive?

We didn't get to spend nearly enough time with any of you, but we're grateful for the time we had.  If you're ever remotely near Vermont, please let me know.  You'll always have a place to stay, or hopefully I can come see you if you're just "nearby", like perhaps in the Maritimes.

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