July 27, 2010

Baby Face

My wonderful, but sometimes naive, wife thought this trip would be the perfect opportunity for me to finally try growing a beard.  When she says "beard" what she really means is Bradley Cooperesque stubble.  I've tried to explain that I just don't grow enough hair to have any kind of beard.  I don't think 6 weeks is going to help that fact.  Six weeks will simply give me a longer, very patchy beard instead of a short, very patchy beard.  More time != more stubble.  A face full of stubble will never happen.

Here's what about 8 days of "beard" looks like.  Note the distinct "no hair will ever grow here" zones.  Who thinks I should give up this experiment now and save myself further humiliation?

Thanks to all the friends and family who refrained from asking what was wrong with my face, and apologies to the children I've scared.


  1. It's like a treasure map. A treasure map of despair and broken dreams.

  2. Here there be gold.

    And by gold I mean nothing.

  3. I think you should let it grow into long wispy strands... i'm talking like a foot long. That would be hot.

    I'm sorry that your trip has been bedeviled with such troubles, however, maybe perseverance and a test of one's mettle is partly the point. Be safe (As if I have to say that to you of all people)


  4. If you like not having to shave (must be a pain when camping), don't worry about it. It looks the way Mother Nature intended. There's no such thing as a perfect beard, heck there's hardly such a thing as a good beard -- wait, I've changed my vote -- SHAVE IT!

  5. I see Bradley Cooper's got some bare spots too it seems. It just needs more time!! More time!!!

  6. Yes! Long, wispy strands. And then braid them like some ancient, asian cleric.

    Small patches can be hidden with longer hair. It took me 4 months to cover all my patches: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs222.snc4/38461_284462349977_508049977_1054704_3854996_n.jpg

  7. you could strategically tattoo "kiss here"

  8. am I the only one who laughed as hard at the tags as the post???
