July 27, 2010


Having put my bike back together, we were ready to roll out of Three Hills this morning.  Thanks once again to our friends and trailer haulin' saviors there, for your help and hospitality.  Thanks for the aircraft hanger in which we worked on and cleaned our bikes, too.  Nice digs.

We rode west then north into Edmonton, and swung east to visit Sherwood Park, where we used to live in the late 80's.  The house we used to live in looks almost exactly as we'd left it: same horrible pea green color, same number Dad had hung on the front step, same trees (just a lot bigger.)  The neighbor across the street came out to leave in his car, but stopped to take a picture of us and chat for a few minutes.  He said the owners of our old house were on vacation, and that we could probably just snoop around back.  We rang the doorbell, and when no one answered we took to snooping.  There's a shed in the back yard, and my basketball net isn't up anymore, but it looks very much as we'd left it 20 years ago.  Are those our Christmas lights hanging up?

We stopped by my old school, and walked around the grounds a bit.  I was surprised to discover I remembered most of the paths through the forest out back, as well as all the streets, alleys and shortcuts in the surrounding neighborhood.  It's funny what sticks with you, buried away.

Next visited my Dad's brother and his S.O.  I hadn't seen them in about 12 years, and the few hours we had for dinner hardly made up for that.  Unfortunately, it was getting late and we had to be a little north of Edmonton in Morinville before dark.

We had friends to stay with there that I hadn't seen since leaving Alberta.  The "kids" who are around my age looked a little different than when I last I saw them, but their parents hadn't changed all that much.  Thanks to Mrs. P for the spare beds, and the wonderful breakfast.  Thanks to Mr. P for hurrying home so you could see us before we took off.  Thanks to T. and her boyfriend for riding up from Edmonton to see us; that's a sweet Suzuki you guys were on.  If it ever gets traded for something more comfortable, I'll take you for some nice rides in Vermont.  Thanks to N. for coming over with three out of her four daughters, the youngest being just four weeks old!   That grey streak is understandable, and pretty hot! Do people compare you more often to Rogue, or Bonnie Raitt?

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You guys WOULD clean your bikes. "Operational" isn't good enough for these two. It's got to be shiny and sparkly too!
